Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Parents as Teachers

Well, this certainly is a revolting circumstance. Schools are now closed for the remainder of the year. That means, parents, you have double duty. You are not only closeted with the little souls, but you are now expected to function as a teacher, if on a smaller scale, which means managing a classroom, keeping students on target, and helping with assignments. If I were you, I'd be pulling my hair out. Some of you probably are.

Well, hopefully, together we can make some sense of this mayhem. This blog is dedicated to those accidental teachers on the home front. I cannot lead a food drive and my sewing skills for PPE masks is highly limited, can't sew a straight stitch. But I do know education. Perhaps, I can offer a few tips, suggestions, and, with the help of other teachers and experts, provide a little guidance that might reduce the stress and the consumption of alcohol late at night when the house is quiet and the little, and not so little, darlings are in bed.

I invite comments, suggestions, ideas. 

If you have questions that I might be able to answer generally, please email me. Please keep in mind that this blog is for suggestions that may or may not work. Here is the disclaimer, professional advice requires much more in-depth information and contact and is beyond the scope of this blog.  email:

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