Saturday, May 16, 2020

Get Your Science On – Something for the older students

Can’t get out to summer camp this year? Want your kids to actually do something that will add to their lives and still, and primarily, have fun, and not be umbilical corded to their Play Stations?

Well, here’s Steve Spangler. He has science experiments that can be done at home. Most require simple materials from around the house. In fact, if you have a one-room school with several youngsters at different ages, you can appoint (If willing to be appointed) your preteen or teenager to be the leader and share the experiments with their younger siblings. Then just listen for the “oohs and aahs.” This can be hours of investigation and hilarity.

And what’s really great about these experiments is that Steve Spangler explains why they work. Now, don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t do a long theory lidden dissertation. These videos are free. He does support virtual summer camps with complete kits. But those cost money. I don't know about you, but I like the FREE STUFF! 

I’m including two sites that might be helpful. But be aware, not nearly all, but just some of these experiments require adult supervision. So, help your students select the ones they can do safely without you eagle-eyeing over them every minute. 

In fact, for those parents who are kids at heart and like to play. Some of these would be fun for you, too! 

I invite comments, suggestions, ideas. 

If you have questions that I might be able to answer generally, please email me. Please, keep in mind that this blog is for suggestions that may or may not work. Here is the disclaimer, professional advice requires much more in-depth information and contact and is beyond the scope of this blog.  email:

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