Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Roar Like a Lion – From the San Diego Zoo

Who doesn’t like a trip to the zoo. Well, here’s an opportunity for both teachers and students for some quality learning, sponsored by the San Diego Zoo. These are a great series of courses, and they are FREE. Yes, FREE! 

Students who are 13-years-old and older can sign up and so can teachers Students can earn a certificate for each completed course, and teachers can earn continuing education units (CEUs) and clock hours. 

Just some of the topics of the courses range from penguins, big cats, and alligators with many more types of animals in between. The modules are well-designed with an overview, objectives, and assessments. They include colorful photos of animals and lots and lots of information. I was surprised at what I learned just by exploring a few. 

Don’t be discouraged when you choose a module. It takes a little time to load. In addition, make sure you click on the audio button down below. And just so that you know, some slides do not have audio, and just click on the next button to access more of the content. 

Don’t delay. These courses may disappear at the end of the school year.

Pack a lunch, grab a hat, and don’t forget sunscreen!

I invite comments, suggestions, ideas. 

If you have questions that I might be able to answer generally, please email me. Please, keep in mind that this blog is for suggestions that may or may not work. Here is the disclaimer, professional advice requires much more in-depth information and contact and is beyond the scope of this blog.  email: gail.coulter@outlook.com.

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